Who are parishioners of Holy Angels Church?
Our parish members are those who:
Wish to seek the Lord Jesus Christ through his Word and Holy Mysteries;
Help in forming a spiritual family based on the Lord's love;
Accept the teachings of the Catholic Church;
Acknowledge the legitimate authority of the Pope, Bishop, and Pastor;
Are willing to grow as Christians by means of legitimate Byzantine Christian spiritual traditions;
Attend liturgical services regularly on Sundays and Holy Days;
Support the work and growth of the Church by sharing their Time, Talent, and Treasure (tithes, financial gifts, and donations) at parochial, eparchial, and global levels; and
Are registered in the parish and receptive to regular parish communications.
What spiritual benefits do parishioners of Holy Angels Church receive?
Our parishioners receive the benefit of the following spiritual services:

Penance: Confessions are regularly heard thirty minutes before all liturgical services and by appointment. A priest waiting at a front pew near the tetrapod, or an open southern door on the icon screen means that Father is available. Simply approach the icon of Christ on the icon screen and wait for Father. Preparation for this Holy Mystery is part of the 2nd Grade program of Eastern Christian Formation (i.e. Religious Education). After completing this preparation, parents present their children to Father for first Penance. Parents are to guide their children by example in the regular use of this Holy Mystery which means, as a minimum, during each of the four fasting seasons of the year.
Infirm and Home-bound Visitation: Contact Father if sick, in the hospital, or confined to home because of illness or advancing age. Father will bring the confined person the Holy Mysteries on a regular basis. It is recommended that one receive the Anointing of the Sick before any major surgery or as needed due to serious illness. Please do not hesitate to let Father know that a parishioner is ill.

Crowning in Marriage: This celebration requires membership in this parish, of at least one of the parties, for at least six months prior to making arrangements for marriage. It also requires being free to marry according to the precepts of the Church. Once Father is approached regarding marriage, he will allow a minimum six month period for preparation and further discernment prior to the ceremony. Prudence dictates that Church arrangements be made before reception arrangements are made.
Funerals: Father must be notified upon the death of a parishioner. No funeral arrangements should be made without first consulting Father. Christian burial is the right of all baptized Christians and includes the prayers of the Church led by a member of the clergy. Funeral services in church are the right of parishioners who, when able, were committed to the parish through regular attendance and stewardship. Cremation is permitted but not encouraged and is to take place following funeral services in church. No eulogies by the laity are permitted during funeral services in church.
Liturgy & Lamp Intentions: To assure that a particular person, living or deceased, is remembered at a liturgical service or through the lighting of the Eternal Lamp, use the Request envelope found in the information rack of the church narthex. Print the needed information and then place this with the collection or give it to Father. In making Divine Liturgy requests, the person making the request should plan to be present at the Divine Liturgy when at all possible, and request a date and time accordingly. Cards will be mailed by request. When possible, request intentions for specific dates at least four months in advance.
Stewardship envelopes are issued annually to every registered household for good order, accountability, and as a reminder of the importance of regular sacrificial giving and tithing. Youth who have reached the age of reason should also be using envelopes and making regular donations (however small) in order to be trained in sacrificial giving. If you need envelopes, please contact Father. Also, kindly be mindful of stewardship and your spiritual family after you leave this world by including your parish in your will.